Monday, 17 October 2016

Crypto VS Traditional



I've been asked a few times now to help explain what Cryptocurrency is, why it exists and the difference between Crypto/Digital Exchange Currency and 'Traditional Currency'.

It's a tough one for anyone to understand to be fair, so I'll do my best to keep it as simple as I can, here goes...

Money as we know it today comes in the form of notes and coins - these are made (printed) at central repositories and controlled by central banks (in country banks) and governments - in our case in the UK, BoE.

We all use those notes and coins to purchase goods and services and it is the banks/governments who dictate the value of the currency - this part is really easy since the value is printed on the note and coin - the problem here isn't the currency or value - it's how far is stretches to buy our goods - so the value of the goods dictates how many notes and coins we need to use to purchase something.
A fair few years back, the governments and banks (pretty much on a global scale) wanted to keep the cost of currency production low and they would say, 'to help us to manage our money and spending' (yeah, like that worked out well for us all!!) and so introduced plastic cards to help us - the introduction of these cards caused confusion and chaos for a few years - mainly with the older generation who were used to handling good old fashioned notes and coins.

Now, in order to use these cards the banks had to work with organisations who could help with the 'exchange' of the money from one person to another and then inform the banks of each transaction - this is where the likes of Visa & MasterCard come into play.

Getting bored yet? Bear with me - I am getting to the point soon - promise...

So what is happening now, and in fact has been for almost 9 years with the introduction of BitCoin, is the world is demanding another form of currency and to help ease the logistical nightmare surrounding the monitoring, management and more importantly the COST associated with the common currency system (Inc. Forex).

So this is where Crypto/Digital currency comes into play. It is simply an alternative way to transact - the only issue to date has been this...

BitCoin and others are decentralised currencies. Not only can you not touch them or hold them (virtual/digital) but they are also 'De'-centralised - so what the hell does that mean I hear you say...
Well, a centralised currency is exactly that - central to an area or region and controlled within that jurisdiction.

Decentralised however is the exact opposite. It is NOT central to any given region or jurisdiction, meaning it is NOT controlled, governed, regulated or even valued by one central source.

With me so far?...

So how is Cryptocurrency valued and how can you use it?

Digital or Crypto Currency is valued based on its demand, the more coins bought and the less in the 'virtual' vault means the value changes, initially it has only one way to go - UP! But after a period of time it begins to slow down (usually after a few years that is).

So imagine this - you have a vault full of coins, let's say 100,000 and each coin is valued at $1. As time goes by and those coins are sold the remaining coins increase in value, let's say $100 each - BUT WHY? Because there are less of them and so the demand becomes stronger - people are willing to pay more to get their hands on them - it's like anything else in life really - the value of Cryptocoins works in the exact same way.

The world is changing however, and just as it did before with the introduction of plastic cards. People will come round to the idea of uses Cryptocurrencies - they probably won't have much choice to be honest!

The downside is that you cannot currently walk into a shop and pay for goods using your Digital Currency. This is what confuses the hell out of most people. UNTIL NOW THAT IS...

A revolutionary new coin called Dascoin has been born. Dascoin is set to pretty much lead the way in Consumer Crypto Transactions - to you and me that's 'paying for our stuff', lol - and here's why...

Dascoin has been more than 2 years in the making and has been engineered by some of the most creative minds in both the finance and technical sectors. Dascoin are working with some of the most powerful financial forces on the planet; Visa, MasterCard, ApplePay to name just a few. This means that in time we, along with every other Dascoin customer, can walk into a high street store and pay (just as you do now) for your goods/services using not just your little plastic card, but also an app on your phone - exciting stuff eh!!

The cost of the Dascoin cannot be controlled by governments or banks, it's value will be based on supply and demand and will be available to use on a global scale- a single unified currency; offline as well as online!

Over the coming months and years the cost of the coin will increase (based on sale & demand), giving you more to spend as the value of the coin goes up.

You will, of course, also have the choice to sell your coins and turn them back into traditional currency - good old notes and coin with the Queeny's head on it (for now, anyway!).

Others may well follow in the footsteps of Dascoin, but for now - this has to be the single best selling point and reason to become a Dascoin customer.

Couple that with the huge upside and benefits of being an independent Das distributor (the potential to earn commissions for introducing others as well as the coin value increase) and this makes for the perfect recipe for anyone involved in this business.

So to recap...

Hopefully you understand a little more about Crypto's and why they exist (hopefully)...

You can now introduce Dascoin to others, help them earn and earn a very nice commission for doing so too!

Earn a residual each month for helping others learn about Dascoin and/or distributors (commissions paid up to 4 levels deep).

If you want to jump on board, just as many others have and watch your Dascoins increase in value in the months and years to come, then click below.  You will need a Bitcoin account in order to join and become a member - there are many programs you can use, such as Coinbase or Xapo.

Become financially secure - FOREVER - CLICK Here!!!